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Rewriting the Early Indigenous Struggle: Oscar and Lucinda and Remembering Babylon

Ashok Kumar Pathania*; Dr. Anshu Raj Purohit**; Dr. Subhash Verma***

Ph. D. Scholar*; Professor**, Department of English, Career Point University, Kota (Rajasthan); Assistant Professor***, Department of English, Govt. Degree College Sarkaghat (Mandi, HP)


DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc2403



Remembering Babylon and Oscar and Lucinda, are the result of the Aboriginals’ movements, resistance and literature that appear after 1950s. Peter Carey’s Oscar and Lucinda and David Malouf’s Remembering Babylon, reflect the historically left issues of the early Aboriginals’ struggle when they came into contact with the European civilization. Both the texts, transcribe the images of early European’s settlement in Australia and their colonial blue print of dealing with native geography, nature and humans.

The analysis of the texts concludes that among British’s well planned reasons of the colonization of Australia the economic factors were most dominating. The other dominating factors were the transplantation of the European settlers to the continent so that Australian land could be dominated by the white race which again had economic basis for the British. All these factors appear devastating for the Aboriginals’ centuries’ old existence in the continent. 

Keywords: History, aboriginals, settlement, colonial acts, policies

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