International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Configuration
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc,
Feminist concern of Girish Karnad Novel: Nagamandala
Ruchi Saxena*; Dr Anshu Raj Purohit**
*Research Scholar; **Professor,
Department of English, Career Point University,
Kota Rajasthan-India
Corresponding Author: * ruchisaxena925@gmail.com ; ** Anshuraj18@gmail.com
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc1406
This present paper attempts to critically analyse the selected novel of Girish Karnad _Nagamandala. Girish Karnad, as a dramatist, is free from any such feminist tags and like Shashi Deshpande, an Indian woman novelist, treats ‘woman as a woman’ and as ‘a human being’. As a male feminist, he has treated the feminist issues like child marriage, loveless marriage, exploitation of wife in the hands of husband, double standards of society and law operating against her in the society etc. It also expresses the hollowness and injustice of patriarchal society. He insists that it is not patriarchy but matriarchy which is essential for society.
Thus, the refined sensibilities of woman like love, sex, compassion and tolerance make her unsurpassable in the society. The pride of woman also finds a space in his play Naga Mandala.
Key Words: male-dominated society, feminist issue, unwritten judgment of the society