Biopolymers: Anindispensableentity for mankind
Dr. Alok Agarwal*; Dr. Sandhya Vaid**,
*Principal; **HOD Zoology (PG),
Chinmaya Degree College, Haridwar (UK)
DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc2202
Polymers have become essential part of life. One can’t think of life without polymers, reason being their innumerable physical and engineering characteristics. Most prominent quality of polymers is their low cost and durability.However, seize to strength ratio of polymers is large as compared to metals. Heat capacity of polymers is also less. Structural strength of polymers is also poor which make them unsuitable for heavy structures. Above all polymer are non biodegradables they may persist in environment for centuries. Due to this disability many countries have imposed restrictions on their use.
Low price, long life and readiness to adopt any shape has made polymers invulnerable. Non bio degradability of synthetic polymers shifted the quilt towards the invention of biopolymers. Scientists found the solution in biopolymers. They can be biosynthesized by living organisms or chemically synthesized from biological matter. The biopolymers are natural polymers formed by living organisms. Biopolymers are monomeric units which are bound covalently to form large molecules. Unlike polymers the biopolymers are biodegradable which decompose in bio-products with time after the expiry of intended purpose. Mainly there are three classes of biodegradable polymers namely polysaccharides, polypeptides and poly nucleotides Biopolymers mostly find applications in manufacturing, packaging, biomedical engineering and food industry. Difference between natural and synthetic polymers is discussed. Advantages of biopolymers over polymers are compared. Present study enlists brief overview of biopolymers.
Keywords: Polymers, Biopolymers, Biodegradable
Abbreviations: PVC, PVDF, Tg, DNA, RNA